June 15th, 2020

Jessica Jocholá

Jessica Jocholá joined the Women’s Justice Initiative in 2014 to assist the organization with administrative duties. In addition to administrative work, Jessica assists the Legal Services Program as a paralegal.
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April 12th, 2024

Blanca Azucena Maczul Canux

Blanca is finishing her bachelor’s degree in Legal and Social Sciences. She describes herself as socially conscious, honest, and capable. She is motivated to work at WJI because she enjoys contributing to bringing legal accompaniment and legal services to women who are victims of many different types of...
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March 30th, 2023

Daisy Erleny Miculax Baján

Daisy has a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal and Social Sciences, Lawyer and Notary Public. It motivates her to help women exercise their rights, collaborate together, and accompany them throughout the process to seek justice for them and their children so that they live in an environment free of...
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June 15th, 2020

Marta Miza

Marta joined WJI in 2016. She oversees the Community Advocates Program and supports the Legal Services Program by providing psychological counseling to survivors of violence who seek legal support from WJI.
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April 12th, 2024

Cindy Carolina Mucía Sincal

Carol identifies as a Maya Kaqchikel woman and feminist and participated in the Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Summit in El Salvador in 2023. She has a background in social work and has experience working with groups of women to promote indigenous rights. She has training in human...
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April 11th, 2023

Fredy Otzín

Fredy joined WJI in February 2023. He is a Certified Public Accountant, currently studying Public Accounting and Auditing. He is motivated by being part of an organization that supports women and seeks to ensure that all people have equal opportunities.
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November 8th, 2021

Rosa Everilda Quill Tubac

Rosa is a Field Technician from San José Poaquil. By profession she is a Kaqchikel and Spanish Intercultural Bilingual Education teacher, with a language and communication teaching certification, currently studying to obtain her bachelor’s degree in Education Administration. Rosa trains women and invites them to learn about their...
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June 15th, 2020

Delfina Raquec

Delfina has been part of WJI since 2016. She has a degree in Business Administration. She has experience in providing training workshops for women. For Delfina, working at WJI is important because it can help create better family environments and make girls see that education is very important...
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October 26th, 2021

Maribel Tun

Maribel Tun is an indigenous woman, an Intercultural Preschool Teacher, and is currently studying  Secondary School Teacher Training at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. Working for the National Literacy Committee (CONALFA), as a literacy teacher in rural communities, Maribel contributed to the education of people who...
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June 15th, 2020

Adonías Xajpot

Adonías joined the team in 2019 as WJI’s Driver and Concierge. His responsibilities include keeping the offices clean and in order and transferring facilitator colleagues to the communities where they hold workshops.
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