June 15th, 2020

Kate Flatley

Kate is a lawyer with over fifteen years of experience working for non-governmental organizations developing and implementing projects and conducting research in the fields of women’s rights, access to justice, and public health.
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June 15th, 2020

Elvia Raquec

Elvia is a social worker by training with an emphasis in Development Management, having graduated from Rafael Landívar University. She has experience implementing programs that promote human rights in indigenous communities and has completed training in other Central American countries.
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June 15th, 2020

Viviana Patal

Viviana Patal joined WJI in 2013. As WJI’s Legal Director, she is responsible for designing and implementing the Legal Services Program and oversees the organization’s team of lawyers and paralegals.
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November 17th, 2021

Gabriela Palacios

Gaby joined the WJI team in 2021 leading the implementation of administrative and human resources strategies. She has a degree in Industrial Psychology with a Master’s Degree in Management and Strategic Development of Human Talent, both from Rafael Landívar University. She has more than 10 years of experience...
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June 15th, 2020

Andrea Tock

Andrea joined WJI in January 2020 as the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator. She is responsible for leading WJI’s Impact and Learning efforts for the constant improvement of the organization in terms of program development and the response provided to women.
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February 24th, 2021

Nora Worthington

Nora Worthington joined WJI in 2022 as the Director of Development and Communications. She holds a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development, International Policy and Management from SIT, and an undergraduate degree in Latin American Studies from Fordham University. Nora has worked within the non-profit industry in multiple countries,...
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April 15th, 2024

Marina Aceituj

Marina studied clinical psychology, has experience in education, and has worked with groups of women, adolescent girls, and youth on numerous projects. At WJI she runs workshops with rural Maya Kaqchikel women in rural areas of Santa Apolonia. She has one daughter, to whom she emphasizes the importance...
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June 15th, 2020

Lidia Ajbal

Lidia joined WJI in March of 2019 as a Facilitator in the Women’s Rights Education Program, working primarily in WJI's partner communities in Tecpán. She is responsible for implementing workshops with the participants to help them understand their rights.
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September 18th, 2020

Paola Almengor

Paola joined WJI  in September 2022. She has a degree in Communication and a Master’s Degree in Human Rights, Peace, and Sustainable Development. She has 5 years of experience in Social, Political, and Development Communications; and she has been a volunteer in social enterprise projects that seek to...
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February 22nd, 2021

María Inés Azurdia Valdez

Inés has a Degree in Business Administration from Universidad Rafael Landívar. It motivates her to see how WJI impacts each of the women, adolescents, and girls in the communities, making them aware of their rights and helping them to assert themselves before society.
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