The Women’s Justice Initiative (WJI) improves the lives of indigenous Guatemalan women and girls through education, access to legal services, and gender-based violence prevention.
Executive Director
Board President
Dear Friends,
As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible strides we have made together at WJI. We remain deeply committed to creating a world where every woman and girl can live free from violence, and our mission is as urgent as ever. In 2023, we took a significant step toward this vision by launching our ambitious strategic plan, <em><strong> A Just Future for Women, Investing in WJI’s Legacy</strong></em>. This plan outlines our goal to triple our impact between 2023 and 2027, and we are thrilled to share the remarkable progress we have made in just the first year.
Our work is deeply rooted in the communities we serve and our growth has always been intrinsically aligned with our community-driven approach. As we reflected on our past successes and challenges, three core pillars emerged to guide our vision for a sustainable future: Replicate, Scale, and Sustain. These pillars are the foundation of our strategy to expand our reach and deepen our impact.
The numbers speak for themselves—2023 was a year of undeniable success. We directly benefited over 8,200 individuals through our programs. This includes more than 875 women who graduated from our legal literacy course, empowering them with the knowledge and confidence to defend their rights. We reached nearly 345 adolescent girls and their mothers, equipping them with the tools to prevent child marriage and GBV. Our legal services team provided free services to over 715 women, increasing their access to justice. Additionally, more than 320 police officers, service providers, and justice operators received specialized training to respond with sensitivity and care to survivors of violence and over 270 community leaders took part in workshops to strengthen local networks, ensuring that our impact is felt at every level of the community.
These achievements are more than just numbers—they tell a story of lives changed, and communities transforming to safer, more equitable spaces. They also signal the beginning of an even greater journey, one we could not envision without your support. With your continued partnership, we will make our vision a reality and ensure that a just future for women is within reach.
Kate and Clara
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Violence against women and girls is the most pervasive human rights violation worldwide, affecting not only women and girls, but their families and communities.
In 2023 WJI’s talented team was invited to attend conferences, participate on panels, and share their unique expertise all over the world.
women, men, and girls benefitted from WJI’s programs.
adolescent girls and their mothers gained knowledge and skills to prevent child marriage and gender-based violence.
women graduated from WJI's Women’s Rights Education Program.
women received free legal services from WJI.
women completed their two-year training to become Community Advocates.
police officers, service providers, and local leaders were trained in adequate responses to violence.
Meidy Posas is a 29-year old cocoa producer from Atlántida, Honduras. She is a young entrepreneur who, together with other women, formed Chocomer, a small woman-owned business dedicated to cocoa processing, Meidy’s passion. Meidy is also passionate about bringing change to her community. From an early age Meidy has actively participated in community-based initiatives that seek to create innovative and equitable opportunities to empower young women, including the Network of Women Chocolatiers and Caco-tiers of Honduras (REDMUCH)*.
*Red de Mujeres Chocolateras y Cacaoteras de Honduras
When REDMUCH and WJI launched a call for leaders from community-based organizations and businesses to receive training on GBV, Meidy did not hesitate, she eagerly answered the call. Meidy actively participated in the three day-long intensive capacity building workshops and worked with WJI staff to adapt and replicate our legal empowerment methodology to best fit the needs of the women she works with. Through this collaboration Meidy and her team learned about their rights and how to exercise those rights, including what resources are accessible to them.
This leadership experience led Meidy to participate in new opportunities. She now works as a mentor for other young cacao producers and serves on the governing boards of both Chocomer and REDMUCH. Meidy enthusiastically promotes GBV prevention and response education, empowering young women to break cycles of violence. Meidy is a powerful example to the women and girls of Atlántida, participating in public spaces to change the local social norms and attitudes that deem violence against women and girls as acceptable.
Meidy represents a new generation with a transformative vision. Meidy has become an agent of change in her community, creating a more just society, bridging the gaps of gender inequality, and creating greater opportunities for women to participate in leadership spaces and live free from violence.
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Scaling across diverse contexts
Scale: Multiply our impact through collaboration with community-based organizations
WJI is scaling our impact. To do so sustainably across Central America’s diverse contexts, we are sharing our proven methodology with local leaders who possess a profound understanding of the needs of their communities.
According to data from the Human Rights Watch, Honduras has the second-highest rate of femicide in Latin America (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean); and 60 percent of perpetrators were domestic partners (National Autonomous University of Honduras’ Violence Observatory).
Scaling across diverse contexts
Meidy Posas is a 29-year old cocoa producer from Atlántida, Honduras. She is a young entrepreneur who, together with other women, formed Chocomer, a small woman-owned business dedicated to cocoa processing. From an early age Meidy has actively participated in community-driven initiatives that seek to create innovative and equitable opportunities to empower young women.
Scaling across diverse contexts
When WJI and its local partner organization launched a call for leaders from community-based organizations and businesses to receive training on GBV, Meidy eagerly answered the call. Meidy actively participated in the three-day intensive capacity building workshop and worked with WJI staff to adapt and replicate our legal empowerment methodology to best fit the needs of local women. Through this collaboration Meidy and her team learned about their rights and how to support other women and girls in their communities.
Scaling across diverse contexts
This leadership experience led Meidy to new opportunities. She now works as a mentor for other young cocoa producers, serves on the governing boards of two organizations, and enthusiastically promotes GBV prevention throughout her community. Meidy has become an agent of change and represents a new generation with a transformative vision to bridge the gaps of gender inequality. She is creating a more just society by actively participating in public spaces and shifting local social norms and attitudes that deem violence against women and girls as acceptable. She is a powerful example to other young women and girls, who together will break generational cycles of violence.
Scaling across diverse contexts
By investing in young leaders like Meidy, WJI is creating sustainable change at the individual and community level. GBV is a cross-cutting issue that impacts women’s security, economic stability, education and health, yet in many places across Central America there are few resources to address it locally. IDM is strengthening the capacity of local leaders and community-based organizations to better prevent and respond to GBV in their communities, because proximity to the cultural and social contexts has been critical to our success.
WJI's Greatest Asset, Our Team
Sustain. Ensure WJI’s legacy by investing in our organizational capacity and expert team
Fundamental to our success is the dedication of our talented team, the majority of whom are Maya Kaqchikel women, from the communities where we work and who possess a profound and indispensable proximity to the women and girls that we serve. As an organization, providing opportunities for professional growth and skills development is a priority, as they are invaluable to our mission. The investment we make inwardly ensures the sustainability of our impact, while allowing for future leadership to transition to majority Maya-Kaqchikel women, in alignment with our mission and values.
As we continue to ambitiously expand our reach, our team will continue to grow and so will their needs. “As an organization that champions women’s rights, those principals must be reflected in the opportunities that we provide for our team. It is critical that we build an organizational culture that prioritizes the rights and enrichment of the individuals who work tirelessly to support the communities we serve. If the well-being of our team is a priority, our success in the field will reflect that”. <em>Gabriela Palacios, Director of Operations</em>
As Women, We Matter: Fostering Leadership
Lidia Ajbal joined WJI in 2019 as a program facilitator. Lidia is from Tecpan, a municipality where WJI implements programming. She quickly found great personal fulfillment in her role with WJI. She notes that what she was working to achieve in the field, empowering women and girls and shifting local social norms to respect and value women, could be mirrored in her own life.
“If we go to the communities and say that we can shift the social norms that treat violence against women as normal or acceptable, but then we don’t apply the same expectations and values within our own homes, there will be no change. We must apply these practices to our own lives, with our own loved ones.”
As Women, We Matter: Fostering Leadership
Lidia immediately demonstrated a deep commitment to her role and made fast connections with the women she worked alongside. Lidia recognized and appreciated her contribution to breaking barriers and being a catalyst for change in the lives of women and girls whose lived experiences were not so different from her own. Lidia excelled at her role early on and eagerly participated in the opportunities for professional development that were offered by WJI.
As Women, We Matter: Fostering Leadership
In 202_, Lidia was promoted to Program Coordinator. Realizing there was space to learn and grow, she immersed herself in a two-year intensive leadership course with other future leaders. She continues to accompany her teammates in the field and has become an invaluable asset to the strategic design and implementation of the Women’s Rights Education Program. Lidia’s leadership on the team is critical to ensuring that the needs and voices of program participants are reflected in our organizational goals and how we define success.
“WJI has been fundamental to my growth. because iIt has offered given me these opportunities to strengthen my knowledge and skill sets. My position was never limited to where I began. I am constantly learning.”
As Women, We Matter: Fostering Leadership
Lidia started as a program facilitator and rose to a leadership position. Her journey exemplifies the type of internal growth that WJI strives to provide for all of its staff. Lidia is inspiring not only to her colleagues, but she is a powerful example for the women and girls in rural communities who may not have been encouraged to dream of life goals beyond marriage and children. She is an example of resounding success.
“I know the reality of the women, how they live and what the communities are like… There is a lot of work to be done in our fight to empower women. It is not easy. [But] If I can change my life, other women can do it too.”
Cultivating Relationships, Strengthening Institutions
Cultivating Relationships, Strengthening Institutions
Cultivating Relationships, Strengthening Institutions
Cultivating Relationships, Strengthening Institutions
direct beneficiaries.
indirect beneficiaries.
community leaders, police, and government officials trained.
legal cases related to economic rights or violence against women.
women trained as leaders, mentors, and rights educators in their communities.
graduates from the Women's Rights Education Program.
graduates from the Adolescent Girls Program.
parents and community leaders gained skills to prevent child marriage.
We are deeply grateful for the steadfast support of our partners, board members, and donors. Your investment and belief in our mission make our work possible. Thank you for helping us envision a brighter and safer world for women and girls.
Paola Almengor
Jonathan Coronado
Allie Jorde